Trump claims that if he is elected president of the U.S., it would be advantageous for the situation on the Korean Peninsula. When Trump had talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, South Koreans expected peace between the U.S. and North Korea through reconciliation and normalization of U.S.-North Korea diplomacy. Was Trump sincere in his talks with Kim Jong Un, however? In the memoir of former National Security Council aide Bolton, “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir Hardcover” – June 23, 2020, by John Bolton (Author), Trump revealed in detail that he did political TV shows with Kim Jong Un and that he did not have any sincerity.
Some Koreans say, “Trump had a conversation with Kim Jong Un. Better than Biden.”
Biden’s attitude toward Moon Jae In and Yoon Suk Yeol was fundamentally different. Moon Jae In was conscious of balanced diplomacy and independent diplomacy, although there are limitations to the U.S. As he was obsessed with withdrawing U.S. troops, when he demanded astronomical money by threatening to keep the U.S. military, he depreciated Trump’s demand by pushing and pulling 20 times.
Trump said that South Korea is “overusing” the U.S. and “rip-off” the U.S. Trump demanded that South Korea pay at least 5.8 trillion won (5.6 billion dollars) in defense cost sharing, which was 1.38 trillion won (1.5 billion dollars) at the time in 2019. Trump also said that he made a significant concession on the money. Trump also pressured the Moon Jae In government with the aim of reaching a conclusion in March 2020. President Moon Jae In stubbornly insisted on understanding that it is the defense cost of the U.S. military in China rather than South Korea’s defense cost. It has dragged the negotiations into a long-term war. Trump’s strategy was to postpone the negotiations after the U.S. presidential election in November that year. Ahead of the presidential election, Trump had no choice but to accept the Moon Jae In’s offer at the last minute because of his urgent domestic situation. However, Moon Jae In only reached a 10-percent increase in March 2021, one month after Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden won the presidential election and became president. Moon Jae In won the 持久 War. In the defense cost sharing negotiations that began in the late 1980s, the U.S. military led to the longest negotiation, with a 500 percent increase in Trump’s proposal to a 10 percent increase. In 2021, South Korea paid 1.18 trillion won (1.1 billion dollars) in defense cost sharing. The two allies also agreed to raise defense spending annually for the next four years, corresponding to the annual growth rate of defense spending from the previous year. The defense contribution amounted to 1.28 trillion won (1.1 billion U.S. dollars) last year.
Who will be elected president in the U.S. presidential election three months and 15 days away?
At the meeting between Trump and Kim Jong-un, then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was Trump’s closest aide, directly criticized former President Donald Trump for not being interested in the meeting when he met with Kim Jong-un.
At the time, Trump was only interested in finding the source of the money in Congress on charges that his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid $130,000 to the Porono star just before the 2016 presidential election to prevent Trump’s sexual exposure and then manipulated the company’s records as if the expenses were legal advisory funds. “The meeting with Kim Jong-un was half-hearted,” he said. “In this presidential election, we need to elect a person who is thoughtful and will make the United States the best country,” former Secretary Pompeo said on Fox News, adding, “They don’t denigrate the Internet, they don’t throw hamburgers, and they should pick someone who won’t spend all their time thinking about Twitter.” ----------------
The article below is by editor Lee Myung-jae of ‘Citizen Press Dandelion’. I recommend you to read it together.
“Why Expectations for Trump Are Dangerous”
Hope to meet Kim Jong Un and open up a breakthrough in inter-Korean relations
the idea of supporting a democratic person for a reason or two
Above all, what if we don’t clean up the Yoon Suk Yeol quickly? Trump’s combination with Yoon Seok-yeol will be a terrible outcome for Korea.”
“Who becomes the president of the United States affects the lives of people around the world.
Meanwhile, among Koreans, there are not many expectations for Trump.
Expectations for Trump can be attributed largely to his disappointment with President Biden. It is disappointing for Biden or the Democratic Party of the U.S. government that Biden failed to keep his promise to normalize the U.S. again when he became Trump’s opponent four years ago. Notably, the strategy of encircling the public around the Korean Peninsula and the new Cold War situation have been recognized that Biden is no different from Trump.
There is often a perception that there is no fundamental difference in the U.S. Republicans or Democrats’ interest-first stance. However, only half of this is correct. There are significant differences between Democrats and Republicans in what America’s ‘interest’ is like and how it is pursued. In particular, Trump showed unprecedented unilateralism in pushing for ‘America First’.
More than that, during his four years in office, Trump made persistent attempts to break down democracy, reason, discernment, and courtesy of humans. Trump’s presidency has become an unbearable nightmare for common sense people in the United States, especially black people, immigrants, the weak, and minorities, as shown by the death of an innocent black man by violent police and subsequent lawlessness and frenzy. The events of January 6, 2021, when rioters stormed the U.S. Congress at the instigation of Trump, who lost the presidential election, occupied the Capitol, and four widowed people, were forever a day of shame in U.S. history.
Trump’s election eight years ago was a disgrace and humiliation of the world beyond the corruption of the United States, but it is a double shame and humiliation that he will return to the presidency after four years.
Now he is stronger and more confident. In his acceptance speech for presidential candidate, Trump explained how he felt when he was shot, saying, “I shed blood, but I felt very safe. God was on my side,” adding that he was blessed with a halo. Who do you mean by the words “fight”, “fight”, “fight”, and “fight” that you shouted at the time of the shooting? Those who oppose you, those who do not follow the U.S. priority