This is for Christians.

This is for Christians.

There are a lot of Christians who use study bible. I’m writing down some information I know.

Originally, it is said that it is correct to buy and read the annotations of a specialized scholar for each Bible. However, it is not easy for priests to do that, either. Moreover, it is not easy to find good annotations one by one. Almost all Bible-related books sold in Christian bookstores in Korea are actually at the level of sermons, and it is difficult to find a research commentator from a scholar who has studied them properly.
(Although it may not be explicitly specific, many of the bestselling sermons of famous pastors are incorrect. I think this is the real problem.)

In my case, I basically watched the WBC commentary series. It’s a Bible commentary that covers all kinds of comments, and I know it as the most talked about stock in seminary. The problem is that this commentary collects and organizes related studies, so the amount is enormous. If you buy all of this as a whole house, millions of won are easily broken, and you have to use up one bookcase. So I bought important books and looked around, but I think I bought more than ten books.
So I can’t move around with all of them, so now I’m mostly hooked on the bookshelves of my church.ㅠㅠ

In the case of so-called study bible, which is in one volume other than WBC, there are about three things I think are okay.

  1. Bicentennial Biblical Comment

This Bible was translated jointly by Protestantism and Catholicism (meaning that it was translated jointly by Protestantism and Catholicism, but was eventually written only by Catholicism due to the Protestant love for the rewritten version). The version that was translated from Catholicism to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the arrival of Catholicism after the Bible is translated, but the popular version does not have an annotation. However, there is a limited edition version of the New Testament written by scholars who worked on the translation. The annotation was quite good.

But I’ve only seen this commentary once, and I don’t have it now. I borrowed it from someone who had it and saw it once, and there’s no way I can get it again.ㅠㅠ

For your information, the Catholic Church later translated the Bible again, and I understand that the “Bible” we are using now is a translated version.

  1. Bible of the President of the Bible Society of Germany

This Bible is an officially published tin Bible by the Korean Bible Society, which is a translation of the official commentary of the German Bible Society and Bible-related materials.
It’s a Bible that I usually use.

The greatest advantage of this Bible is, of course, its authority, but more importantly, it’s really computerized.
Although the program is a little old, it provides all important Bible editions and provides sectional comparisons as a standard. The original text of the Bible has Hella, Hebrew dictionaries, and descriptions separated by words, making it really good to look at while contrasting with the translated text. In addition to the German Bible Society’s annotation, it also provides annotations for Good News Bible.
I have both the iPad version and the paper book version, and I mostly use the iPad version because of this advantage.

  1. Presidential Bible of the Reformed Church of Zurich

This Bible is also an officially published tin Bible by the Korean Bible Society, which is a translation of the official notes and materials of the Zurich Reformed Church.
This Bible has just been published, and it’s unfortunate that it’s not computerized, but the authority and content of the commentary are very good.

If you don’t have any inconvenience with using the tablet, I recommend the tablet version twice. But if you want the paper version, it comes in small sizes that are easy to carry around both 2 and 3, so you can use the one that is convenient for you.

So far, I’ve written down the information as far as I know.

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