The potential capacity of China and Germany,

[Comparison between the solar capacity and the actual installation]

The potential capacity of China and Germany, which top the installation capacity in Asia and Europe, is not high.
In the end, the story is that the energy transition is serious…

Korea has no reason to make excuses anymore, either!

China is by far the world’s No. 1 solar producer in terms of installed capacity, but it remains 150th in the World Bank’s solar potential ranking.

The real PV potential metric is a measure of the power output that can be achieved with typical utility-scale PV systems (PVOUTs), taking into account local land-use constraints and the amount of solar radiation available for power generation.

“PVOUT represents the amount of power generated per unit of installed solar capacity over the long term, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh/kWp) per installed kilowatt peak of system capacity,” according to the Global Solar Map.

Ranked by this potential output, some countries that are not even on the list of major solar producers currently rank high, while some that currently have major solar facilities have turned out to be far less suitable for solar production than others.


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