[태그:] tsla

  • Tesla Cybertruck “No resale within a year of purchase”

    Tesla Cybertruck “No resale within a year of purchase”Add to car order terms and conditions“If you violate the rules, we won’t be able to ride in the car” 🦁 What’s the intention? I think they’re trying to prevent the used car price from being traded higher than the new car price when a new car…

  • The Tesla adjustment is brief, and the surge is certainly coming back.

    Winter is coming. Electric cars are going into recession. So Tesla is in control, and the manufacturers of secondary batteries have entered a very difficult time But it’s only a short-term problem, and after a few quarters, the industry will know who the boss is Many automakers will not survive the upcoming transition to electric…

  • Tesla Sets Up Corporation In Chile ‘Number One With Lithium’

    Ron Baron: I think Tesla employees are the highest paid employees in the world because they own shares. The stock fell yesterday because of Biden. Wait to see what happens when you start selling cars for $25,000 in 1 to 1.5 years. The new model they think will produce 5 million cars a year. Tesla…

  • Tesla’s anticipated good news

    Stock Short To Short Shorts: Tesla’s Witty ‘S3XY’ Fashion Option, Now Available To Buy With Recommended Credit – (Saleshorses Are You Shaking!)At 10:14 PM on 09 Nov 2023, Benzinga Tesla customers can now purchase ‘Short Shorts’ using their referral credits. Customers with 1,469 referral credits can purchase the Red Satin Short Shorts. These short shorts…

  • 비밀무기 준비하는 TSLA

    테슬라가 경기침체를 대비하기위해서 비밀무기를 조용히 만들고있나 봅니다 아무래도 지금 차량가격과 기술…그리고 디자인으로는살아남기가 너무 힘든 상태이죠 좀더 보급형차량이 나와주어야 희망이있을 수 있습니다 우리나라 2차전지테마주들도 대다수 큰 조정을 받고있는데 공매도리포트때문에 급락했다고 생각하는 분들이 많지만…그게아니죠 진짜 문제는 테슬라처럼 전기차 시장이 갑자기 다 죽어나가고 있다는겁니다 특히나 여러가지 지원도 계속 줄어들고 있구요… 새로운 전략이 필요한시점이죠 테슬라는 그부분에서는 믿어의심치않지만 에코프로나 에코프로비엠은….…