How Much Can Tesla Give Its Dividend In 10 Years?
How Much Can Tesla Give Its Dividend In 10 Years? (In order to secure no-work income after retirement) My personal opinion is that philosophy is important when it comes to investment, and that philosophy should be based on mathematics. I’m posting this, and I’m going to remind myself of this time of year… Estimated net…
자동차가 전 세계 이산화탄소 배출량의 약 10분의 1을 발생시킨다고 하죠. 그래서 많은 나라들은 그 피해를 줄이기 위해 재빨리 움직이고 있습니다
자동차가 전 세계 이산화탄소 배출량의 약 10분의 1을 발생시킨다고 하죠. 그래서 많은 나라들은 그 피해를 줄이기 위해 재빨리 움직이고 있습니다. 부유한 나라들의 경우에는 중심 전략을 전기자동차 보급에 두고 있고, 많은 사람들은 그 영감을 한동안 노르웨이에서 찾아 왔습니다. 지난 10년 동안, 노르웨이는 전기차 보급에 있어서 세계에서 논쟁의 여지가 없는 선두주자로 부상했습니다. 보조금을 포함해 정부의 관대한 장려책으로,…
Tesla’s Important News Summary.
Tesla’s Important News Summary. #Tesla Weekly(2023. 11. 13 – 17) Issues Summary ● Summary of key content 🔸Repost, good ✅ is a great help to me🙏🔸Thank you for your interest and reading. 💕 grace7.tistory.com/1523
There are still a lot of people who are using short selling
But if you listen to them carefully, the stock price movement is very different from beforeThere are still a lot of people who are using short sellingBut if you listen to them carefully, the stock price movement is very different from before In a time when there are so many people who made a lot of money betting that the world was going to die…Now the Fed is a professional…
Who is Murati, 35, to fill the Altman vacancy?…Open AICTO from Tesla
Who is Murati, 35, to fill the Altman vacancy?…Open AICTO from Tesla 🖍 ️ OpenAI appointed Mira Murati as interim CEO after dismissal of CEO Sam Altman 🚀 ✅The background of Sam Altman’s dismissal 👩🏫Mira Murati Profile ✅ Roles as Provisional CEO ✅Murati is evaluated as a key manager who understands technology and management. Mira…