So what about Elon Musk’s plans to move to Mars?

So what about Elon Musk’s plans to move to Mars?

  1. Super Heavy Booster and Starship a lot
  2. I’ll shoot 10 starships a day and put Starship into Earth’s orbit
  3. Booster reused after landing, lots of Starship just in orbit
  4. assembling a large fuel reservoir into orbit with a booster
  5. Filling the fuel reservoir with a Starship for fuel transport
  6. Recharge fuel to Starship orbiting in fuel cellar
  7. Prepare for two years of Starship to go from Earth’s orbit to Mars in this way
  8. Thousands of Starship Mars prepared for two years as Earth and Mars get closer
  9. Repeat this cycle every two years
  10. Using Starship materials as construction materials for human structures on Mars
  11. Construction of a City with a Population of 1 Million on Mars in the Next 20 Years

It’s such a ridiculous plan

In principle, it’s not impossible

Do you want to live on Mars

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