Reality: Distrust and stress each other by fighting every day.

I have a ‘thinking method’ that saved my time for over a thousand hours, so I’m going to introduce it to you.

Communication and goal setting usually exist for “problem solving,” which itself is difficult to define.

People often focus a lot on the ‘problem’ as a stressful object for me. It defines what is malfunctioning in your eyes as a ‘problem’. That’s the problem, regulation is the culture, company is the problem, money is the problem, and so on. I face some object in my way.

But someone taught me how to define a problem in a different way. The problem is the view that it is a challenge to resolve the gap between reality and ideals.
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I usually go back to this framework and try to redefine things calmly when meetings get longer, or when things aren’t aligned. It works very effectively at work as well as in personal conflicts.

Here’s how to define and solve the problem.

The first defines an “ideal situation.” The second defines “reality.” The third considers the gap between the ideal situation and reality, that is, the gap. The problem is the challenge of eliminating the obstacles that occupy the gap. Fourth, think of the most efficient way to eliminate the gap. Here, we visualize the problem as an obstacle, or as clearing it.

Ideal situation Reality

There’s a lot of research and evidence that shows how my brain changes when I first think of an ideal situation. You want to set a goal, and you want to create a press release that will be released at the end of a project by Amazon or something, and you want to set the exact latitude and longitude when you reach that goal. You can refine your goals more precisely, allow your team to objectify the problem on the one hand, and have a more multifaceted approach to the problem itself. Above all, you can eliminate the room for criticism that it’s a problem with each other.

Let me give you an example. There are cases where couples get along very badly.

Many people shout, “I want to live a happy life, but your stubbornness is the problem!” My problem in life is you, and I would be happy without your stubbornness! This is how I define it. Technically, it’s not a “problem” that we can solve together, it’s more about letting people know that I’m stressed out because of your stubbornness, and we often talk about problems like this. Mr. Kim is the problem, the customer is the problem.

But let’s change the approach to the methodology introduced earlier.

Ideal situation: the two of us getting along, trusting and relying on each other and living happily.

Reality: Distrust and stress each other by fighting every day.

What’s the best way for us to move from reality to the ideal situation? DEAR LOST: The other person is less stubborn? No, it won’t be just that. It will be kinder conversations, trying to restore trust, taking more time and trying to hear more. You both will also need to be stubborn. The biggest hurdle is their unwillingness to change. So let’s work that gap out, and the conclusion should be made that way. It’s not something that can be done by reducing your stubbornness.

Now that we have common goals and share ideal outcomes, we can approach them autonomously in various ways to solve the problem. How do you feel? Don’t you feel differently?

The same goes for company, business, and personal money management. Let’s say that this is a success, and the reality is that we have not yet succeeded. What is the biggest obstacle to success? No money? The mistake you made last time? No, that’s not the problem. It’s the reality, the current situation. Lack of experience? Lack of experience and reading? Lack of connections? What can you fill in to achieve success most efficiently? You have to be cool-headed.

Let’s say the project is going up in the mountains. The problem shouldn’t be defined as a client! This is a win-win situation that benefits each other, and so we’re rushing to a very high ROI situation. The reality is that we’re just continuing to let each other down from different perspectives and wasting time. How do we close the gap? This definition of the problem makes it relatively easy to find the answer. All we have to do is close the gap. We can just put things aside for a while that don’t have to do with the gap.

The human brain tends to solve a given problem immediately. It’s because those who come up with alternatives quickly look like capable people. White colors throw solutions like, ‘Isn’t this the problem? Shouldn’t we solve it right away?’ And they are obsessed with solutions. But once you visualize the gap after deeply sympathizing with the nature of the problem, you come up with a lot of far more effective ideas. Perhaps simple and effective methodologies such as design sinking come from this human trait.

So, rather than shouting “fighting” indefinitely, visualizations that clear and elaborate obstacles are more effective in solving problems. I believe that by just the flow of logic, we can solve it by creating small problem units one by one. After all, life is a continuation of problem solving. It all starts with objectively defining problems. And then you solve them on a daily basis. As you solve them one by one, you will see bigger and bigger problems in front of you. Then you can confront them again, define them, and solve them.

As people gather and share opinions, there are inevitably many stories of obstacles or hopes that differ from the nature of the problem. Everything is right, and they are actually painful problems. However, when you are swept away, the story is endless. In fact, a team that is good at work is a team that defines problems well and jumps together to close the gap, and a team that can’t work is a team that shouts at each other’s stressful part, and eventually breaks up the conversation and breaks up the heart. That’s why defining a problem is really important.

If there are any challenges in the future, why don’t we start with a schematic drawing above?

From the standpoint of giving a GPT lecture, I will define the ideals and reality of many people. The above is to handle GPT very well and benefit enormously from the changing times. It is a state in which all the motivation, experience, and knowledge for this are accumulated. The reality is that you don’t know GPT well and you don’t know where to start. What is the best way to fill this gap? I think the priority is to motivate yourself. You need to create a momentum to invest 10 hours and 20 hours through motivation. If you invest only time, you will somehow accumulate experience and knowledge. It would be better to use good lectures in the meantime. You can start right away and solve the problem!

Once you start doing automation, you’re going to solve so many problems step by step.

Way to go!


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