Elon “Trust the person who returns the shopping cart”

Elon “Trust the person who returns the shopping cart”

A shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test paper that determines whether a person can act autonomously.

Keeping your shopping cart back in place is easy and convenient, and we all know it’s the right and proper thing to do. Keeping your shopping cart back is objectively the right thing to do. Unless it’s an emergency, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t put your shopping cart back. At the same time, it’s not illegal to leave your shopping cart unattended. So your shopping cart is the best example of how to determine if someone is going to do the right thing without being forced to do. No one will punish you, fine you, or even kill you if you don’t put your shopping cart back. You get nothing from turning your shopping cart back. You have to turn your shopping cart back only from the good heart because it’s the right thing to do.

Anyone who cannot do this is no different from an animal, an absolute barbaric who must be forced to do the right thing only by the law and the power that supports it.

Shopping carts determine who is a good or bad member of society.

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