● Comparison of semiconductor equipment stocks
- The highest point is during 2024, and the lowest point is after July 2024
- rebound strength = (current price – lowest point) ÷ (high point – lowest point)
- Largest Fall Suborder – Gigavis, EST, DIT, STI, Ko Young, DI, PSK Holdings
- CURRENT-REVERSAL RATE TO LOW – PSK Holdings, DI, PARK SYSTEMS, Techwing, Eotechnics, Jusung Engineering, DIIT
- Top rebound strength – Park Systems, Jusung Engineering, Nextin, Techwing, Eotechnics, PSK Holdings, DI
● Compare operating profit and market capitalization of semiconductor equipment stocks (including parts and substrates)
- If you look at the stocks that can make 100 billion won in operating profit
1) Stocks already proven in 2024 – Hanmi Semiconductor, Reno Industrial, HPSP, ISU PETASIS, Jusung Engineering
2) Stocks likely to prove in 2025 – Eotechnics, Techwing, PSK Holdings, Eugene Tech, PSK
- Among the stocks that proved 100 billion won in operating profit, the minimum market capitalization was 1.4 trillion won by Jusung Engineering, which is 10.8 times the current Fwd 12m PER and 14.3 times the highest price of the stock price
- Among the stocks that proved operating profit of KRW 100 billion, the maximum market capitalization was KRW 9 trillion for Hanmi Semiconductor, which is 20.6 times the current Fwd 12m PER and 43.3 times the peak of the stock price
- The standard for receiving somewhere between 10x and 43x PER is 30x for structural growth and mid-10x for cyclical growth
- Among the stocks that are likely to prove their operating profit of KRW 100 billion in 2025, they are likely to lead the market in the order of the largest size of dreams. Eotechnics, Techwing, PSK Holdings, Eugene Tech, PSK
-> Determining multiplexes based on structural growth - The Highest Stock Price Rise Is Possible If Equipment Companies With More Performance Prospects Go Up To Multiple
-> To the extent that it fits the AI semiconductor growth trend
-> New products, new customers, new markets (The key is relevance to global main and users and justification for growth)