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Why did Burger King attract aggro with the discontinuation of Whopper

Why did Burger King attract aggro with the discontinuation of Whopper Yesterday, the Whopper discontinuation was a mess in all…

11개월 ago

You give me a bonus to leave the company?

You give me a bonus to leave the company? We first implemented the resignation bonus system in 2017. New entrants…

11개월 ago

Three Principles to Increase ‘Work Immersion’

Three Principles to Increase 'Work Immersion' An article on "Work engagement" was published in the Weekly Biz that deals with…

12개월 ago

RE100 How to solve this?

RE100 How to solve this? Known for his Dyson fans, Dyson was a surviving British inventor who gave up trying…

12개월 ago

The exchange rate, the value of each country’s money, I see as a function of its economic growth and interest rates.

The exchange rate, the value of each country's money, I see as a function of its economic growth and interest…

12개월 ago

Problems to focus on in the AI era

Problems to focus on in the AI era 24 Year Annual Topic: Service->Infrastructure->Device Cycle Deployment, Infrastructure-to-Device Expansion is CriticalQ2 Trends…

1년 ago

While investing in Tesla, I am taking advanced classes this month,

While investing in Tesla, I am taking advanced classes this month, not basic stock classes. Only those who have taken…

1년 ago

The podium I felt as I watched Microsoft overtake Apple to become the No. 1 company in market capitalization

The podium I felt as I watched Microsoft overtake Apple to become the No. 1 company in market capitalization It…

1년 ago

“Infre 型 companies went bankrupt” vs “Infre 型 companies went bankrupt”

"Infre 型 companies went bankrupt" vs "Infre 型 companies went bankrupt" It is common for businesses to go out of…

1년 ago