h What are the assets of the survey subjects, which is the “standard of Korea’s rich”?
- A survey was conducted on those who hold more than 1 billion won in financial assets and at the same time have more than 1 billion won in real estate assets, including residential housing
- They have a total of 461,000 people, accounting for about 0.9% of the Korean people
- According to the previous data, the standard of the top 1% in Korea is “net assets of approximately KRW 2.9 billion”, participants in the survey are expected to have more than KRW 3 to KRW 3.5 billion based on net assets
h How much assets do they have including their asset portfolio and liabilities?
- Since about 55% of their assets are real estate assets, the total amount of residential and investment houses is about 1.8 to 2 billion (based on net assets)
- Stocks and other assets are estimated to be between 1 and 1.2 billion
- Therefore, it is likely that the total assets, including liabilities, should be at least 4 billion to participate in this survey (at least shepherds?)
h Where do the top 0.9% of Korea’s rich live?
- 70% of them live in Seoul*/Gyeonggi/Incheon, and the proportion of the rich in the metropolitan area is higher at about 1.25%, not 0.9% nationwide
*Rich people living in Seoul: >45% (Concentrated in Gangnam 3 districts)