[Tesla options status – options forces betting ahead of earnings]
Yesterday, the $265 call option increased dramatically, and at the same time, the premium stopped falling and rose, accompanied by a rise in the stock price.
Figure 1. Status of options
The $265 call option has increased significantly, and after the earnings call, we expect $265 to go, and we have a lot of call option hedging at $265.
▶$265 call option
282 (yesterday morning) –> 1.03K (yesterday night) —> 1.33K (now)
▶$300 call option
163 (last night) —> 313 (now)
Figure 2. As of today, the forecast for a rise/fall in earnings is still 7.8%. A rise of 7.8% against $250 would also give call option forces a good return at $269, or $265!
Figure 3. Premium
The options premium boosted the stock yesterday, rising from 60 to 62!