I feel like my writing will get really long before I write it

※ I feel like my writing will get really long before I write it

Although it was criticized for not knowing startups, the problem that was raised from the beginning of startup life was that the number of startups rationalized in the name of growth and increased excessively more than necessary. This means that there is a premise that there is no one to work, but strictly speaking, it would be more true that fewer people work properly. The main reason for this was that it was not possible to accurately grasp who was doing what and how much. I am still consulting emphasizing this when I was at work. Roughly like this.


For example, most start-ups have a one-day payback structure in which someone does whatever comes to mind in the beginning. Because of this struggle, even if the new job A is only 0.3 MM (Man Month), it is difficult for the existing workforce to receive even 0.3 MM, so we hire one person. As the number of people who are less than one serving increases, productivity does not rise as expected and fixed costs only increase.

In addition, their work is often filled with the work of + filling their 1MM rather than producing productivity or value. This means that there are significantly more people compared to the value to be created, which means that fixed costs explode.

Articles and many books and lectures mention Google’s 30% Rule and say that it should create a room for time to do something else or think about it, but I think this is a comfortable story that is only an ideal for some.

A person with the ability and motivation to use the room as a time to discover and create value should be premised on learning and planning the room fully. It is also necessary to support the level of most of the leaders and colleagues around you, not just one person.

Otherwise, it’s easy to have someone who is photographed as a player when he or she is busy, and there are people who hide behind such claims and rationalize his or her incompetence and speed.

Few or very few companies, no matter their passion and dedication, are really smart and have strategic thinking. Most of them are manpower that has to increase the quality by adding a lot of work input. In this situation, it may be best to allow for tight work.

Returning to that, the issue of human resources expansion, and maintaining the tightness of work, the first thing to do is to properly grasp the current status of resources in work and manpower.

I call this the detailed work status of each individual, and I used to look at who was spending how much and how much resources were being spent on a task and whether the proportion of those resources was more on his core work.

If resources are being used far more than the core daily, you should ask why and look into it. The meaning of looking into it is that you should not ask in detail, but observe the scene itself if you really need it. It usually occurs when inefficiency is repeated as it was, and it occurs because the competency of the person in charge does not reach the perception that this should be improved, methodology concerns, and improvement. And a large part of these things are things that do not have to be done, and things that do not have to be integrated. When you hear this, it is difficult to improve because it seems that there is a reason and justification for everything.

The biggest problem with doing what you’re doing is that it makes it difficult to think about this in itself, because perception itself is what you always do and it becomes something you must do. Even if you recognize it, it is very difficult to not do this from a practical point of view. You have to persuade them by fully presenting other alternatives and logical grounds, but that’s difficult, so you might be afraid of appearing dissatisfied because you don’t want to work.

In the end, management and leaders have to look into this and organize the traffic, but the problem is that even they are unlikely to be able to make the judgment and decision immediately.

It is common to approach the work process by setting up and organizing it and creating manuals, but the reason why this is always a bumpy road is that they try to “organize” the flow and the current work without properly looking at the current status of work resources.

The dictionary meaning of theorem is as follows.

  1. To bring things that are in a disorganized or chaotic state together or clean them up so that they are in an orderly state.
  2. Systematic classification and synthesis.
  3. To reduce or eliminate the problem or unnecessary and make it clean.

What’s important here is to get rid of what you need to get rid of first, but the situation mentioned above happens when you focus mostly on No. 2. When I reorganized my house for a month after transforming from a maximalist to a minimalist, I found more than 100 Daiso baskets alone. Just sorting and combining them all means that I will embrace everything I have (= I will do everything I did) and store them well. We need to think carefully about how we are implementing the meaning of this systematization and arrangement. To earn a room, throwing it away and emptying it.

In the beginning, there are a lot of people who say they did everything, and they don’t have a lot of people and know what they’re doing, but that’s not possible. When the number of people starts to increase, they don’t know all the details of each person in charge, and furthermore, it is difficult to distinguish how much resources are being used for each task, how much is being used for key work, whether there are a lot of real work or not even if there are no work.

The reason why we need to look beyond thinking about work is that most of those who cannot do the expected core job often lack the ability to actually do it. The more they can’t work, the more they hide behind low-value-added work, saying that they take too much time to do the core job. It only strengthens the self-justification of ‘working hard’ on what you don’t have to do and the cause of not having to change.

No matter how hard you tell them to do the core job, they will have to hide, so they will only do what they have been doing. The best way to do this is to remove the work they hide. When there is no excuse, the raw ability is likely to be revealed, and only then is the core

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