After Alvin Toffler spoke of the information revolution in his “The Third Wave” book in 1980, information became money and power,

After Alvin Toffler spoke of the information revolution in his “The Third Wave” book in 1980, information became money and power, and after the Internet world opened, the person who dominated the data had it. Big data is now a tool to predict, evaluate, and control the behavior of all human societies, not just economic activity. Who collects, processes, and processes more data will determine who has power in the future.

AI was introduced now to collect, analyze, learn, and use such data, and it has developed, and now it is the era of generative AI (Generative AI). In the near future, we will see Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). We use General as General, but it would be right to see it as Universal and Overall. Anyway, GPUs are used to recognize and process huge amounts of data, and HBM method is the current trend for semiconductors.

Data collection is essential for processing data. Google has been doing that steadily, but now it is faltering due to strong opposition to personal privacy. But in China, where there is no human rights, people’s data can be randomly brought and used without any resistance, so if high-quality GPUs get into China’s hands, the future hegemony will be transferred to China as China’s powerful data. To prevent that, the U.S. is desperately preventing the export of semiconductors and GPUs to China.

There is the prison Panopticon, designed by Jeremy Vandam, who is famous for utilitarianism. The prison and psychiatric ward are currently being built with the structure of this Panopticon. The watchtower is in the center, so all the monitors can be seen. The watchtaker is always unable to do anything strange because of the anxiety that he is being watched. Now he claims that the Internet is doing this. In the past, collecting personal information used to be difficult due to privacy, but now he is willing to voluntarily provide his information on Facebook through the so-called social media. It is no exaggeration to say that we live in an open or transparent Panopticon.

Anyway, when it comes to economies of scale, who runs the data with a lot of GPUs, can gauge the hegemony of the future. The future world is not bragging about how much money it has, but how much GPU it has will measure its wealth. So Sam Altman is trying to stop it from going under Nvidia by asking for $7 trillion in funding for AI. Still, I don’t see any companies with the technology to match Nvidia GPUs yet. You’ll see results for big tech companies starting this week. In the short term, earnings will be impacted.

In order to get to AI, especially beyond Generative AI to AGI, the installation cost for learning will be enormous because it learns and processes data, and ultimately how much it processes it to human thinking. AI says 80% of the time has to go through the labor-intensive process of learning machines. This will be all cost for AI companies like ChatGPT, Geminay, and Claude, but it will be profitable for Nvidia and semiconductor companies. I’ve always been thinking about making adjustments due to Nvidia’s surge. However, I don’t think this will follow Cisco’s footsteps in the past.

What the future holds is anyone’s guess. It could be like science fiction. Whether the powerful and the intellectuals who are currently developing AI will build a new panopticon, or use it to create a world dominated by big brothers like George Orwell’s novel 1984; or whether people of all colors will hammer to break the giant screen as Apple advertised in a Super Bowl game. Just as many people used to call Jobs Big Brother when Apple released its iPhone and many still do.

However, we cannot ignore the charm and convenience of AI at present. No, I can no longer imagine a world without ChatGPT and Jeminai. For someone like me, it is also the place where I can get a lot of information, such as proper nouns and years, that I find there when I understand and analyze the financial market and get confused while writing like now. Still, you need to have knowledge that someone made and wrote something, such as something happened roughly.

So I think the conclusion is reading. If I had read more books without drinking in college or working life, I would have a huge amount of knowledge data in my head, but I regret that I can’t. As I get older, I always should have p.p. It’s a view of unprofessional AI that a liberal arts graduate sees, so please enjoy it…

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