If someone makes a living by motivation, they’re not professionals–
- I met a CEO. I heard you read “Connecting.” You already had a great career, so I wondered if you needed to read it, and you read it to understand your children and employees.
- Among the contents, it is said that the phrase “If you make a living with someone’s motivation, you are not a professional” was the most heard.
- When I meet leaders, one of the most common questions is “How do I motivate my members?”
- It is frustrating that the leader is not even a motivational instructor or pastor, but he has to live with motivation for his fallen members every day.
- From a different perspective, this also means that there are not many professionals in the organization. When you think of a professional team, professionals motivate themselves. They train themselves to raise the ransom. If the coach trains and plays only when he is motivated, he cannot be called a professional.
- The more talented people gather and work, the more they usually work like professionals. However, in reality, it is difficult for most companies to make only such outstanding talents work on high annual salaries. We have no choice but to work with members of various motives, motivations, attitudes, and values. In this situation, it is clear that it is a core concern of leaders to help them work more motivated and to achieve results. I understand that you are worried about “motivation.”
- Office workers also need to change their viewpoints now. As a professional, they train and motivate themselves to set their own goals and increase their ransom. This phenomenon will accelerate in the Ai era. It will become increasingly difficult to be competitive in the Ai era unless you are a professional who creates motivation and develops yourself.
- But if you think about it,
The question, “How do you motivate your members?” is a wrong question because it presupposes that a leader or company becomes a provider of motivation.
So this question needs to be changed. How should we change it?
This question is.
We need to change it to “How can we get our members to ‘self’ motivate themselves?” and “How can we awaken or maintain their motivation?” The focus of this question is that the provider of motivation is the individual itself.
- “How do you get your members to motivate themselves?” “How do you get them to awaken or maintain their motivation?”
I don’t have the right answer either. It often depends on the situation. Therefore, I ask my friends. If you comment on your experience or ideas, it will help each other.