Park Dan, chairman of the Korean Medical Association, has just announced his intention to resign. I understand the weight I had to bear and respect the decision to resign.
On February 12, the Daejeon Association held an online extraordinary general meeting with representatives of training hospitals nationwide, and the result of the meeting to submit resignation to the branch organization the next day spread.
I thought it was impossible for a point-of-care organization to do the “group action” that doctors wanted. I talked about this in a few places, but the posts on MediStaff were locked out. It’s obvious that he’s a welfare official because he says it’s tough with a point-of-care organization.
However, less than 24 hours later, the atmosphere changed, and now there is a saying that Park Dan-hoe, who claimed to be a branch organization, is Prakchi. Yesterday, those who opposed Park Dan-hoe became Prakchi, and today, those who supported Park Dan-hoe became Prakchi. The so-called crowd psychology has reached its peak.
I want to talk about crowd psychology later. This is not the time to find the culprit. Now is the time for physicians to think about how to shape governance.
Looking at the community, there is talk of impeachment of Chairman Park Dan-hoe, which is due to the lack of understanding of the composition of the Grand Battle Cooperative and the Emergency Committee. At the time of the emergency committee, it is most important who the emergency committee will be. Park Ji-hyun, who was the chairman of the Grand Battle Cooperative, also served as the chairman of the emergency committee during the 2020 strike. It is the chairman of the Grand Battle Cooperative Emergency Committee that leads the strike by the major.
It is not known who the emergency committee chairman is currently. At the grand council meeting on the 12th, only the formation of the emergency committee was decided, but the chairman of the emergency committee was not decided.
What the doctors should do now is not criticize Chairman Park Dan, but elect the chairman of the emergency committee of the Great War Cooperative.
The highest voting body of the Daejeon Council is the Daejeon Council of Delegates. And representatives of residents from each training hospital form the council as delegates.
As far as I know, there is one more meeting of delegates to the Great War Council on February 18. If there is anyone elected on this day, we will be able to present a representative who can unite the doctors.
In 2020, after the group action of the major was over, the medical doctor’s council of Ewha Womans University Mok-dong Hospital was established, and a rule was made with the executive department and the medical director teachers.
When you make a bylaws, you think of a specific situation and think about how the bylaws can help members in that situation.
You can find the rules on the election committee on the election committee website. The election committee rules on the election committee and are designed to maximize the ability of the emergency committee chairman (in close cooperation with the election committee chairman) in emergency situations.
What we need to do now is to elect the chairperson of the emergency committee. Representatives of each training hospital’s majors will have contact information with each other and gather offline to decide which teacher to choose as the chairperson of the emergency committee (whether in the form of a co-chairperson).
Rather than criticizing someone, it’s time to analyze the bylaws and think about how to break the situation. I hope there will be productive discussions about what will happen in the future.